12 May 20091:11 AM
Trying to forget.
Today was fun fun fun ;D I love today's test. Maths though, I still hate it! ;D Cuz i spent 1 hr 30 mins to do questions i did know, and the last 30 mins on the few i didn't know. From a gurantee of losing minimum 22 marks, went down to 5. Am pretty proud of myself. shalalala~
Aryl didn't pick up his phone OR reply my texts. Pffft! so I went CWP with my Bangpire, Nat and my consortium (HAHA!) to find no one there. Wanted to get my bands with sylvia, but the place was closed. =.= then decided go have lunch with boyfriend. heho. And Aryl, if your reading this, NEXT TIME YOU BLANJA ME AH! ;D hehoha! =.=
Hung around causeway with boyfriend and gang. Yes, thats how bored i was. Went to library and Thomas got mad suddenly :( aww! ahhh wells, exam stress i guess. Chill out kay dude ;D I felt so extra lah, for some reason. ahh wells. But i managed to get my bands though ;D so i think i've got about 12 on my arm weee~ Questions will arise, but its easier to answer don't you think? ;D
Homed with MAC for lunch. Pretty boring day. Except for the Maths test. Weeee~ I might actually pass! WHOOHOOO! haha, at least I can be happy about something huh, Danial. =.=
"Because I am a fool
The only thing I think about is you
But I know that you are thinking about somebody else
And you probably don’t even know my heart"
Thats how i feel you know. And its not a nice feeling.
You and Syafiq, quite similar.
Maybe THAT is why i liked you in the first place.
See how it feels now.
If you know whats wrong, why didn't you try to fix it first?
Because my heart isn't some stupid toy.
I would have waited.
Its not like i don't know what you went through.
I liked someone in the mist of still not getting over him,
yet i told that person i'm not ready, and it might just be a desperate crush.
so i WAITED and WAITED and more blood came out,
but I'm over him.
If you told me to WAIT, i would have.
I'm sorry lavania screwed the "take it slow" idea
I'm sorry I just went on with the idea.
but it would have been nice for me to know.
All i want is you, I really do.
I'm willing to wait again,
because i want to make it work.
I'm not telling you in your face,
because i want you to read this over and over;
"Its not a crush. I want you. Yes, you. You asked me "I wonder how long it will take for you to get over me when I break your heart" You've broken it,lets see how long it takes ok? I'm stupid enough to give you a second chance, the way i gave it to him. I wonder how people can just live without the guilt of what they're doing. I love you, and that wont change, until it comes out with all the blood i'll lose."